Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Kenitzer Wedding

This weekend I was invited to a wedding for a co-worker from my day job. It was in a place I had never heard of nor seen, Rachel d. Murrah Civic Center in Winter Park. I have to tell you that this place was gorgeous. An outdoor wedding under the canopy of enormous oak trees and an indoor reception with wood paneled 30 foot vaulted ceilings. You would have to see it to believe it as the website doesn't do it justice, at all.

I have written before about being a 'photographer' versus a 'dad' (or in this case a husband) and it was fresh on my mind all night. I wanted nothing more than to photograph every moment but I had to remind myself that I was a guest. After all, they had hired a photographer... and I didnt want to get in his way. So, I allowed myself one lens and a flash and decided that I would not get too carried away. At the end of the night, I didn't do to bad and even got to dance with my wife.... and that my friends is a good thing....

Hope you enjoy some of my shots....


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