So, I have been contemplating creating some sort of photography web presence for over a year now and I am just now getting around to it. I wouldn't exactly call it procrastination, as I have always wanted that 'perfect' web site and have been unable to make that happen. Instead, I would call it being realistic. That 'perfect' site costs money... and with a new baby in our lives that reality is a long way off. So, enter Google Blogger. Its free, fairly easy to use and will satisfy my needs for now.
What am I trying to accomplish here? Well that depends on what day you ask me. I figure this venture will have a few twist and turns along the way. The ultimate goal is to get some ideas out of my head and share them with anyone that cares to know... Given the name of my blog, the discussion will always center around my attempts to jump start some sort of photography business.
I consider myself an advanced amateur photog. I hear that term all the time and many may wonder exactly what it means. I have seen some interesting descriptions and usages but the industry is describing it as someone who can take pictures as well as (or darn near close to) a professional photographer, but does not make a significant percentage of their income from it. Well, I think that describes me pretty well....
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